Chamber Groups
The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce organizes 2 business groups and a number of working committees. The groups, committees and their purposes are listed below. If you are interested in joining one of the groups and/or committees, email
Business Groups

The Morning Group ACE - (American Canyon Executives)
This group meets at a pre-set location Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 am. ACE does require a membership application but the fee right now is being waved to hopefully grow the group. There are attendance requirements and only 1 representative per industry is permitted. Referrals and leads generated are tracked. Join this group to...
- Be part of a group of local professionals who support your business.
- Give and receive leads - develop valuable contacts that can produce revenueas well as lasting business relationships.
- Develop skills, resources and tools to grow your business.
- Polish your speaking skills and practice your professional presentation.
If you are interested in attending this group, please RSVP to Valerie Zizak-Morais at

The GRID (Green Island Road District Business Group)
The GRID Business Group meets quarterly. This meeting convenes Chamber, City and businesses located on/near Green Island Road. The topic of each meeting is different. Invitations are sent to Chamber Members and businesses that are located in the Green Island District 3 weeks prior to the meeting. Businesses must RSVP to attend. The agenda is emailed to the RSVP'ed businesses at least 2 days prior to the meeting. If you have any questions or would like to be on the invitation list, email

Business Builders Group
New to 2024 we have launched the Business Builders Group. The goal for these meetings is to provide prospect building, networking opportunities, and educational tools to help your business succeed. This group will also serve as an incubator for collaboration and connection for mentors and mentees. Bring a friend, both nonmembers and members are invited to this monthly meeting and we strongly encourage supporting a local restaurant following the meeting with some of your new contacts.
Chamber Committees

Economic Business Development Committee
The Economic Business Development Committee exists to support the development of current local businesses and their interface with the City of American Canyon, improve business districts, and bring new businesses to American Canyon. This committee meets on a monthly basis on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 9:00am in the Chamber Office. If you are interested in attending this meeting or speaking to this group please email

Government Affairs Committee
As the voice of business, the American Canyon Chamber of Commerce leads advocacy efforts on behalf of our members and the overall business community. The Government Affairs Committee addresses city, state and federal issues that create a favorable and profitable business environment. The GAC reserves the right to decide which issues it will pursue, subject to direction from the ACCC Board of Directors. This group meets bi-monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 8:45am.

Board Nominating Committee
This Committee is created by the current Chairperson of the Board to recruit new board members. The group convenes in September and October to recruit and recommend incoming board of directors. The group consists of 2 Board Members, 2 Members in good standing and the CEO is present.

COMING SOON! GR.I.D. Advisory Committee
The Green Island Road District Advisory Committee exists to identify and address issues particular to the zoning and geographical traits of businesses in the Green Island Road area. The vision is to improve communication amongst the businesses in the area and be a direct line of action between the American Canyon Chamber and the GRID Business Group. This committee will meet every other month, time and day to be determined. If you are interested in joining this committee email
Chamber Representation
The Chamber of Commerce represents the American Canyon business community by having a seat or being the present voice of business on the below boards/committees:
Tourism Improvement District (TBID)
The Tourism Improvement Districts (TIDs) utilize the efficiencies of private sector operation in the market-based promotion of tourism districts. TIDs allow lodging and tourism-related business owners to organize their efforts to increase tourism-related business owners to organize their efforts to increase tourism. Tourism-related business owners within the district fund a TID, and those funds are used to provide services that the businesses desire and that benefit the lodging businesses within the District.
Guest Information Network (GIN)
The goal of the Guest Information Network (GIN) is to provide a consistent visitor information experience throughout the region.
The GIN consists of a representative from American Canyon, Napa, Yountville, St. Helena and Calistoga. This group convenes on a quarterly basis.
Measure T Independent Tax Oversight Committee
The ITOC reviews the fiscal and program performance of the retail transactions and use tax transportation program through a biennial performance audit to ensure that all transportation retail transactions and use tax revenues are spent by the Authority in accordance with all provisions of the voter-approved Expenditure Plan and Ordinance. The ITOC’s secondary mission is to provide positive, constructive advice to the Authority on how to improve implementation over the twenty-five year course of the program.
Napa Valley Chamber Coaltion
The six organizations that make up the Napa County Chambers of Commerce — American Canyon, Napa, Yountville, St. Helena, Calistoga and Napa County Hispanic chambers — have come together to form the Napa Valley Chamber Coalition as the official “Voice of Business in Napa County.”
Each individual chamber will continue to promote the businesses of their constituencies, while the coalition will advocate on behalf of the business community at the county level, engaging in public policy to advance the best interest of its members and the overall community.